Science Department’s Philosophy
Here at Fordham High School For The Arts we believe It is essential that all students have access to a high-quality science education that provides them with the skills and knowledge they need to be well-informed citizens, and to be prepared for college and careers. Thus, Science teachers at Fordham High School for The Arts use project based learning to develop the habits and skills that scientists and engineers use in day-to-day life. Lessons are taught using the 5E model which is supported by research on how students learn. Students use disciplinary core ideas, crosscutting concepts with scientific practices to explore, examine, and explain how and why phenomena occur and to design solutions to problems. Our Science course tracks emphasize student acquisition of advanced regents diplomas by giving students at least 2 years to pass one of the required physical science regents that are currently offered (chemistry or physics).There are currently six Science Courses offered at Fordham High School For The Arts: Living Environment, Chemistry, Earth Science, AP Biology, AP Computer science and Physics. Each is aligned with the New York State Science Learning Standards, Next generation of Science standards and the Common Core Learning Standards.
Group 1: For Students that are entering that have not yet taken Living Environment or pass the living Environment regents. These groups of students will take on a Living Environment. Successful completion of Living Environment will advance students to Group 2 which is taking one of the physical Science classes Earth Science or Physics. This also pertains to students that have already taken Earth Science in Middle school and has passed the regents or garnished the credit for the course.
Group 2: Students that have already garnished the credit for Living Environment whether in middle school or high school. These students will be enrolled in one of the physical Science courses Earth Science or Chemistry. The prerequisite for physical science is Algebra 1 and Living Environment.
Group 3: Students that have already completed two or three science courses and have garnished the additional science for Advanced regents Diploma. These students have been exposed to at least one of the physical sciences and may already have six credits for science. These students will have the opportunity to enroll in AP Biology, or AP Computer Science.
Living Environment:
Living Environment is a yearlong freshman-level science course aligned to the Common Core Learning Standards and the Regents Living Environment Standards in the NYS core curriculum. The Living Environment curriculum provides students with the opportunity to develop and master the scientific literacy and critical thinking skills that are necessary for both the NYS regents exam and subsequent science coursework. Over the course of the year, students will explore the following topics: biological functions and ecological relationships that maintain and disrupt homeostasis in our natural world. The course also focuses on fundamental analytical, quantitative, and critical reasoning skills necessary to effectively communicate scientific thought. Units of study include: Organization of Life, Heredity and Genetics, Evolution, Reproduction and Development, Homeostasis, Ecology, and Human Impact on the Environment.
Requirements: 1200 minutes of laboratory experience with satisfactory written reports for each laboratory investigation.
Earth Science:
Earth Science is a yearlong course aligned to the Common Core Learning Standards and the Regents Earth Science Standards in the NYS core curriculum. The Earth Science curriculum provides students with the opportunity to develop and master the scientific literacy and critical thinking skills that are necessary for both the NYS regents exam and subsequent science coursework. Earth Science also focuses on fundamental analytical, quantitative, and critical reasoning skills necessary to effectively communicate scientific thought. Units of study include: Astronomy (study of outer space), Geology (study of rocks, earthquakes, volcanoes and plate tectonics), and Meteorology (study of the atmosphere, climate and climate change).
Requirements: Successful completion of 1200 minutes of lab with submitted lab reports as proof of completion.
Chemistry is a yearlong course aligned to the Common Core Learning Standards and the Regents Chemistry Standards in the NYS core curriculum. Students will explore the fundamental building blocks of matter, changes in matter, and the effects of these changes on the physical and biological world. The course focuses greatly on critical and abstract thinking, as well as quantitative and deductive reasoning. Units of study include: Introduction to Matter, Units of Measurement, Atomic Concepts, Nuclear Chemistry, The Periodic Table, Bonding, Chemical Reactions, Kinetics and Equilibrium, Energy, Solutions and Gases, Acid/ Base Chemistry, Electrochemistry, and Organic Chemistry.
Requirements: Successful completion of 1200 minutes of lab with submitted lab reports as proof of completion.
Regents Physics:
Physics is a yearlong course aligned to the Common Core Learning Standards and the Regents Physics Standards in the NYS core curriculum. Students will learn the fundamental scientific laws that govern the physical world. The course places heavy emphasis on abstract and critical thinking, as well as understanding quantitative relationships and translating scientific concepts mathematically. Units of study include: Units and Measurement, 1-dimensional Motion and Kinematics, 2-D Kinematics and Forces, Energy, Electricity and Magnetism, Waves, and Modern Physics.
Requirements: Successful completion of 1200 minutes of lab with submitted lab reports as proof of completion.